Club News

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A busy fortnight for TROTS

St Clears 10 and 5

Lindy leads TROTS in Felinfach

Vince and Julian race to the Kings!

Man versus Horse Marathon

A busy weekend! Nerys and others double up in 3 Parks and Llys y Fran

Abercych 10k

Nerys runs 100k in Snowdonia plus Llangunnor 5k.

Mary and Lindy winners at Newport

Manchester Marathon

Easter weekend results: Teifi 10, Bwlchygroes and West Glamorgan League.

Marathons, half marathons and UK Inter Counties cross country.

Final Gwent League and penultimate West Glamorgan League races. Plus Rhayader and Llanelli.

Medals galore at Welsh Champs, Brecon.

Muddy Margam, Team Pursuit and Ras Cors Caron

Welsh Indoor Athletics and the Narberth Night Nobbler

Mud and hills at Cilycwm and Margam Park

Business as usual for TROTS over the Christmas break

Festive 10k races

TROTS battle the cold at Bristol

Mud, glorious mud at Newtown!

Fingers crossed for Richard! Plus Cardiff Gwent League results and Richard Burton 10k.

Snowdon Marathon, Ron Skilton Half and Tenby 10k.

TROTS off the mark at Pembrey Gwent League

Dale win for Luke

Half Marathons in Cardiff and Llanelli

Gold and silver medals for TROTS at Road Relay Championships

TROTS juniors go from strength to strength

Nerys and Simon tough it out in the mountains, and Manon takes silver on the track.

Impressive double for Manon

St Clears 10 Miles

Llangunnor 5k and lots of trail races

Wins at Tenby, Felinfach, Nantgaredig and Ammanford

TROTS go wild in the Narberth Nobbler Ultra

TROTS take on the four-legged athletes, the mountains...and the heat!

Long and short distances

TROTS hit the trails, the road and The Beast

Lindy at Ludchurch and Phillips at Cardiff

Red Kite Challenge Success for Maisie and Hanna

TROTS go to London

London Marathon 2023

Bwlchygroes MT 10k

Nerys and Lindy on great form at Lampeter

Monthly Timed Run

Supporting Welsh Blood

TROTs coach named Community Coach of the Year

Race Round Up

Race Round Up

Race Round Up

Race Round Up

Race Round Up

Race Round Up

Race Round Up